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This website contains work by
Janet S. Tiger

For more info, please call 858-274-9678 e-mail tigerteam1@gmail.com.

This page will have info about Janet S. Tiger's play DAY OF ATONEMENT, an award-winning one-act that is available for purchase, and the workshop that is available for synagogues, churches and other organizations dealing with intermarriage.

There will be links to the production in Dubuque, Iowa, photos from the productions, and for teachers, a free lesson plan is available.
       Theatrical Workshop for Intermarried Families
             San Diego premiere  December 2006

Produced - December 2006   San Diego, CA  
                     Swedenborg Hall
First Production     August  2006          Dubuque, Iowa 

winner -DFAS National One-Act Playwriting Contest

(One) Act of Forgiveness
A Theatrical Workshop
Featuring  the award-winning one-act
By Janet S. Tiger Playwright-in-Residence, Swedenborg Hall

This production was followed by a discussion about interfaith marriage with guests Rev. Carla Friedrich  Pastor, Swedenborgian Church,Rabbi Scott Meltzer Congregation  Ohr Shalom and Janet S. Tiger, author of DAY OF ATONEMENT

This play and workshop is available for your group and will help your congregation members open a dialogue about
– -Raising children in an interfaith home
-Weekly rituals
-How to start a healing process
- How to handle the ‘December Dilemma'    

 This workshop is available for synagogues, churches and organizations that deal with families who have issues with intermarriage.   It is offered in two ways -

1- With the author leading the workshop -price is dependent on location, number of workshops, level of participation of the organization.  Please email tigerteam1@gmail.com or call 858-274-9678 for more info.

2- Workshop packet - which includes step-by-step instructions how to use this moving one-act to produce an event everyone will remember.  Guidelines on how to pick the actresses, templates for press releases, publicity and program and license for 10 copies of the play.  Only $100, which also includes a one-hour phone consultation with the playwright. 
Please email tigerteam1@gmail.com or call 858-274-9678 for more info.

If you would like to read the play before deciding on a workshop, you can purchase a copy below via email.   If you choose a workshop option, I will deduct the cost of the script from the final workshop fees.

Running time – 15 minutes            $10.00/script
    Set –  kitchen, living area 
                 middle-class New York late 1970s                             
   2 characters    2  women, both 60s, both with Polish

Finalist - Fritz Blitz Contest for One-Act Plays
                                              San Diego, CA

Winner       DFAS National One-Act Playwriting Contest

Two women, lifelong friends, face Yom Kippur (the Jewish New Year also known as the Day of Atonement) with different ideas.  Great showpiece for two older actresses. 


Pat Launer of Patte Productions has us on the San Diego Theater Scene site- click here for the link 

More info:
please e-mail tigerteam1@gmail.com or call 858-274-9678

This page is under construction, but if you need to contact Janet S. Tiger immediately, please e-mail tigerteam1@gmail.com or call 858-274-9678.Official PayPal Seal
Janet S. Tiger's award-winning plays have been published and produced internationally. 

Other work by Janet S. Tiger available on this site includes:
Holocaust-related plays -

THE TOWEL LADY is published in Norman Bert's SCENEBOOK FOR ACTORS, published by Meriwether Press.  http://www.pioneerdrama.com/searchdetail.asp?pc=SCENEBOOKF

Since publication in 1990, THE TOWEL LADY has been performed thousands of times by actresses of all ages and backgrounds, and many have won awards in local, regional and national competitions.

I will be putting up the names of winners as this page develops - if you would like your name and award listed here, please contact me at tigerteam1@gmail.com

(Some) Actresses who have played THE TOWEL LADY-

Mildred Sutton  (San Diego)

Helen Lauritzen -AMR Songhouse

Karen Kennedy - Manitou Art Theater