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Plays by Janet S. Tiger
This is the page
for the full-length play


Running time –
                    1 hour 30minutes       $15.00/script
Set – library, study
Characters -
5 men - 30-60's
4 women - 30-ancient
All require British accents

What would happen if, on a dark, rainy night, in a solitary secluded house...the Queen of Mystery Writers is killed? A humorous satire on the 'who-dunnit' genre - with a tricky final twist. Crowd-pleaser.

First Produced
                 (with two extensions)
POWPAC Theatre
San Diego, CA 1990

For reviews, click here.

Plays by Janet S. Tiger

This web site is under construction, but if you need to contact Janet S. Tiger immediately, please e-mail tigerteam1@gmail.com or call 858-274-9678.

Special note about new plays - Janet S. Tiger has written over 35 plays, screenplays, monologues and now books.  This website will be updated frequently to try to keep up with latest productions, awards, etc.  Please check back – if you want an e-mail reminder when the site has added something new, please e-mail tigerteam1@gmail.com.

        About the Playwright
Janet S. Tiger’s award winning plays have been produced internationally from New York to New Zealand and are in popular anthologies in the United States and Canada.  She received her BA in Comparative Literature from San Diego State University in 1973 and has worked as a scriptwriter in Hollywood.  She is now living in San Diego with her husband and children.  Her current commission involves a play and a one-act about an amazing woman who survived WWII Poland, fought in the Warsaw Ghetto and escaped a Nazi death camp.  This work will be available by early 2006.

New book -


Janet S. Tiger's first children's book -about a Jewish homeschooling family and the mysterious happenings in their synagogue. 


GETTING AWAY WITH MURDER - and have it delivered
via email only-
and get another full-length play

Plays can usually be shipped within 5-7 days of receipt of a check or money order.  Pay Pal will be available right here very soon, but until then, please call if you have a credit card order.

All plays will be shipped via 4th Class Book Rate for most scripts, unless faster method is requested.  (Overnight add $15.00, Priority 2-3 Day, add $2.00)

This web site will eventually have a map with a list of all the places Janet S. Tiger’s plays have been performed.  If you wish to be included, please e-mail details and permission to post to tigerteam1@gmail.com

If you would like to leave comments about these plays, please e-mail tigerteam1@gmail.com

GETTING AWAY WITH MURDER (c)- full-length play by Janet S. Tiger
  The cast of the first production of GAWM in San Diego (1990)
          Irene Billingsley(Director)
                    is on the right

Janet S. Tiger's latest commission was to put onto paper - and stage - the life story of Renny Grynblatt, a survivor of World War II Poland.  This amazing lady fought in the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising and made a daring escape from a Nazi death camp.  The unique side of this will be that Renny's story will be ready in book form by early December, 2005 - and a one-woman one-act of her life will be broadcast on the Internet, hopefully ready by April, 2006. 

For those interested in more information or press releases regarding this event, please email



More plays by Janet S. Tiger will be coming soon - she has a drawer full of over 100 plays/screenplays/books that are 10-70% completed.  If you or your group/foundation is interested in more information about any of these plays - or a new project of your choosing - by Janet S. Tiger, please e-mail tigerteam1@gmail.com.

-COFFEE SHOP OF FOOLS - full-length

full-length (produced August, 2006 as Playwright-in-Residence, Swedenborg Hall, San Diego, CA

-iNFINITY PLUS ONE - full-length - a love story with a time travel twist

-SOUL SURVIVOR - one-act about Houdini

-TALKING TO MYSELF- full-length involving a writer who talks to herself - for a scientific experiment

TURN SIGNALS -ripped from the headlines (well,maybe an unusual story on a backpage) about a woman who comes home to confess to a murder - 40 years later.

Links to other websites

Janet S. Tiger is the author of A MOTHER'S GARDEN OF VERSES.  For more information, please visit the web site www.mothersgardenofverses.com

Janet S. Tiger is available for commission work, please e-mail tigerteam1@gmail.com

Thank you for visiting this web site - come back soon - there should be something new every few weeks.