Monologues for $1.00
Janet S. Tiger
This website contains plays by
Janet S. Tiger, with many good choices for contests, drama classes and community theaters
*****Free monologues - one male, one female*****
Call 858-274-9678 or email tigerteam1@gmail.com

are only $1.00!
(with $.50 Paypal fee - total $1.50)
New! - $1 monologues !!
(Paypal handling - $.50 - total $1.50)
If you scroll down, there are two new monologues - CLARIFICATION for a teenager 13-15, and PROPS for young men late teens through 30s
If you would like to get the final paragraphs, just click the Pay Now Button below and I will email the entire monologue. Thank you!
by Janet S. Tiger (c)
March 9, 2009 all rights reserved
Tigerteam1@gmail.com www.PlaysByJanetSTiger.com
(A teen-age girl comes out - she is holding some papers and she is agitated. She takes the papers and reads, as if to whoever will be getting the letter.)
Dear President of the Company,
This letter is to let you know that I do not like, no, make that HATE your product, Head of Beauty Clarifying Shampoo.
I have used your product religiously for several months now, every single day that I wash my hair, which is just about every day, and I can honestly say that your shampoo has not clarified anything!
I bought your shampoo because I wanted a better life. That's what the name promises (loud) CLARIFYING SHAMPOO. Your name is clear - shampoo cleans the hair, that is the dictionary definition, and clarifying means that your shampoo makes something clear. But since I started using your product, nothing is any clearer!
First, I still do not understand my sister, but she is only 8,, so perhaps that is an impossibility completely, but I still don't understand my parents, and I certainly don't understand boys. And my best friend won't talk to me, and it is not clear at all why she won't. (To the audience) I mean, just because I went out with her boyfriend, I mean, if he went out with me, how much of a boyfriend is he anyway? (Back to the letter)
And the most difficult to understand.....(Takes a deep breath) is ME!
Every night I brush my teeth and I take my shower and I use your clarifying shampoo, and then I go to sleep and when I wake up - (loud) NOTHING IS ANY CLEARER! Why do I like Tyler, but I when I see Sean, I get butterflies in my stomach? And how come I get so mad at my mother I want to scream for hours. (To the audience) Well, sometimes I do scream for hours. (Back to the letter) And why can I be so down one minute, and so happy the next, just because my outfit matches and somebody notices?
Now you may ask if I didn't follow the directions, but I did! I read them every time I use your product - (memorized) 'Apply to wet hair, lather and rinse - repeat if necessary' And I do that! Every time! But when I wake up the next day, still....LIFE IS A HUGE MYSTERY!
To get entire script- click here to email after you purchase
(sent within 2-24 hours)
To purchase - click below on
Buy Now - only $1.00
(plus $.50 handling- total $1.50)
Brand new - only 8 people nationwide have purchased this monologue!
Properly Done
(c) Feb. 28, 2009 all rights reserved
a monologue by Janet S. Tiger
(A young man comes out onstage. He is dressed in a suit, his hair neatly combed, glasses. He looks to be in High School and everything is polished about him. He walks directly to the front of the stage and addresses those in front.)
Hello, my name is..... , I'm a senior, and I represent Jefferson High School. The piece that I will be performing today is called ...(at this he goes to write on a blackboard behind him - this can be mimed)...Properly Done.
(He takes a deep breath.)
I know that the rules say that I am not supposed to have any props - of any kind. But, this is my question - what is a prop? Are these a prop? (He removes his glasses and looks at them>) I can do so many things with them. (Puts them on his head, twirls them, etc., then looks out at the judges, slight Southern accent) No, Jem, I can't play any football with you., I have to defend someone from an unfair accusation......(Removes them) So are they considered to be a prop? What if I don't wear glasses? So, I think to be fair, I'm just gonna .......... (He folds them and puts them in his pocket.)
But wait, what about this........(He takes off his jacket now and slings it over a shoulder.) Will I get graded down now?
I could've worn a hat, too! But....(he sets down the jacket on the floor) I'm just trying to be fair here.....Whoa....(He takes off one of his shoes during the following) Now this is definitely a prop.... I mean, I can kill myself with the shoelaces......(Illustrates- British accent) Tis a far, far better thing I do...to wash my socks every day ...or......(sly) I can throw these (makes as if to aim at the judges) at the President!...(he sails it offstage - takes the second shoe and hugs it) Or eat it for dinner! (Imitates Charlie Chaplin)
And if you're honest, this shirt....now if that doesn't give you a great prop to show......(unbuttons slowly, smiling) or it can show.......(changes direction) ... Stella! Stella!.... (He rips open the snaps - and growls.)
To get entire script- click here to email after you purchase
(sent within 2-24 hours)
To purchase click below on
Buy Now - only $1.00
(plus $.50 handling which will show up as shipping)
Brand new - only 8 people nationwide have purchased this monologue!
Will have the buttons ready for these soon- thanks for your patience!
Set in an airport
AIRPORT DREAMS (female, 40s-50s)
Set in an airport
AUDITION PIECE - THE WINNER (female, any age)
'When I was a little girl...' monologue from THE END OF DEATH
(female, 30s-40s)
This section will eventually have its own page.
this is Monica McCormick I was (your) "Towel Lady" a couple of months
ago (at Christian Academy... Michelle Hargreaves was my teacher) I just
wanted to thank you for letting me perform your work on such short
notice. It was so much fun! The audience really loved it. People still
come up to me and talk about that monologue. You are a wonderful
writer ( I look forward to the next part), and I just wanted to let you
know it's fine with me if you put my performance on your website...
Monica was referring to a DVD filmed by Holly Hopkins, which will hopefully be posted by the end of March 2009.
Here's more comments from T.L, an opera singer-
Would you consider buying other plays in the future?
(Last question?) Would you tell friends about my site/the free monologue offer?
Most definitely!!!! I really liked the monolgue you sent me. It was full of drama and personality.
P.S. I really like the new monologue!!! The title is nothing what I expected it to be about. the ending is hilarious.
From actress Sue B. in San Diego-
.....clever/funny .... kind of classic light teenage....
and Director Diane Shea-
Cute and a good audition piece for someone in Jr. High or high school.
Links to other websites
Janet S. Tiger is the author of A MOTHER'S GARDEN OF VERSES. For more information, please visit the web site www.mothersgardenofverses.com
Janet S. Tiger is available for commission work, please e-mail tigerteam1@gmail.com
Thank you for visiting this web site - come back soon - there should be something new every few weeks.