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a one-act play by Janet S. Tiger

This website contains work by Janet S. Tiger.  This page has information about  her one-act, THE TOWEL LADY.  For more info,, please e-mail tigerteam1@gmail.com. 

 THE TOWEL LADY is included in Norman Bert's collection, THE SCENEBOOK FOR ACTORS

Want to buy it here from the author?  You can purchase it right now as a monologue here-

Running time –3 minutes $5.00/script
Set – minimal, some towels, a clothesline, washbasket
1 character 1 older woman – 50s-60s (although younger actresses use this often for contests and auditions - like Tori Langley //www.youtube.com/watch?v=U5JPTyEODhM

A woman hangs out her laundry while telling her unusual views on towels - and life.

This is possibly Janet S. Tiger's most produced work, having had numerous productions nationally and internationally. This is also a popular piece for drama contests and auditions.
Buy now
and I will email as soon as I get the Paypal confirmation.
If you want it via email only, i will send you a free monologue, too
Want to see other work by me, just click here to go to my ONE-ACT PLAYS page on this site -  scroll down to the Monologues section and click on the Add to Cart button for THE TOWEL LADY

Another way to buy - (best bet as you get more monologues for just a few dollars more!)

-as part of THE MONOLOGUE ZONE, which also includes dozens of other successful monologues.

For royalty information, please email tigerteam1@gmail.com or call 858-274-9678

Many actresses have won prizes and parts using THE TOWEL LADY - to check out some of them click here -

Have you been successful with THE TOWEL LADY?  If you want to have your name on the list, just email me the details.  tigerteam1@gmail.com  (I'll try to get it posted sometime this century!)

Below is the flier for a production of THE TOWEL LADY in San Diego at Swedenborg Hall, where Janet S. Tiger was Playwright-in-Residence from 2006-2008.  (Actresses below)

a monologue by Janet S. Tiger

Rolly Fanton played   THE TOWEL LADY in San Diego, Sept. 16-17, 2006

Pin Chen was the understudy, performing the last show on Sept. 17, 2006.
For more info, click here to go to Pin Chen's website

Diane Shea will be the director and has directed these plays by Janet S. Tiger:

More photos and info coming soon - for more info on RENNY'S STORY, please go to www.rennysstory.com

Pat Launer of Patte Productions has us on the San Diego Theater Scene site- click here for the link 


More info:
please e-mail tigerteam1@gmail.com or call 858-274-9678

Until this page is completed, you may get more info about THE TOWEL LADY if you click on the Monologues button at the top of the page.

Official PayPal SealThis page is under construction, but if you need to contact Janet S. Tiger immediately, please e-mail tigerteam1@gmail.com or call 858-274-9678.

THE TOWEL LADY is published in Norman Bert's SCENEBOOK FOR ACTORS, published by Meriwether Press.  http://www.pioneerdrama.com/searchdetail.asp?pc=SCENEBOOKF

Since publication in 1990, THE TOWEL LADY has been performed thousands of times by actresses of all ages and backgrounds, and many have won awards in local, regional and national competitions.

I will be putting up the names of winners as this page develops - if you would like your name and award listed here, please contact me at tigerteam1@gmail.com

(Just a few of the many fine)
who have played THE TOWEL LADY-

Mildred Sutton  (San Diego)

Helen Lauritzen -AMR Songhouse

Karen Kennedy - Manitou Art Theater

and here's a letter from a student who has used
THE TOWEL LADY for auditions-

Dear Janet,
My name is Kendra M., and I am a student currently living in Italy on foreign exchange. The past few years I have used your piece, "The Towel Lady" for various auditions and theater workshops. This coming week I am auditioning for a theater school in the city I'm living in and I have been permitted to perform a piece in English. While looking at your site I couldn't help but notice that you offer a free monologue for those interested, so I wanted to write and say, "I'm interested!"
I look forward to your response, I love "The Towel Lady" very much!
Thank you!