a one-act play by Janet S. Tiger
This website contains work by Janet S. Tiger. This page has information about her one-act, THE TOWEL LADY. For more info,, please e-mail tigerteam1@gmail.com.
THE TOWEL LADY is included in Norman Bert's collection, THE SCENEBOOK FOR ACTORS
Want to buy it here from the author? You can purchase it right now as a monologue here-
Running time –3 minutes $5.00/script
Set – minimal, some towels, a clothesline, washbasket
1 character 1 older woman – 50s-60s (although younger actresses use this often for contests and auditions - like Tori Langley //www.youtube.com/watch?v=U5JPTyEODhM
A woman hangs out her laundry while telling her unusual views on towels - and life.
This is possibly Janet S. Tiger's most produced work, having had numerous productions nationally and internationally. This is also a popular piece for drama contests and auditions.
Buy now
and I will email as soon as I get the Paypal confirmation.
If you want it via email only, i will send you a free monologue, too
Want to see other work by me, just click here to go to my ONE-ACT PLAYS page on this site - scroll down to the Monologues section and click on the Add to Cart button for THE TOWEL LADY
Another way to buy - (best bet as you get more monologues for just a few dollars more!)
-as part of THE MONOLOGUE ZONE, which also includes dozens of other successful monologues.
For royalty information, please email tigerteam1@gmail.com or call 858-274-9678
Many actresses have won prizes and parts using THE TOWEL LADY - to check out some of them click here -
Have you been successful with THE TOWEL LADY? If you want to have your name on the list, just email me the details. tigerteam1@gmail.com (I'll try to get it posted sometime this century!)
Below is the flier for a production of THE TOWEL LADY in San Diego at Swedenborg Hall, where Janet S. Tiger was Playwright-in-Residence from 2006-2008. (Actresses below)