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Dorset Players
9th Annual One-Act Festival
Six "One Act" Plays
THE TOWEL LADY & six others
(TOWEL LADY leads off in the program.)
The three performances were-
 March 30, March 31 at 7:30 and April 1st at 2:00. 
The Towel Lady is performed by Jessica Zilske
This video was produced by
Steven Schlussel, Executive Producer
Dangermen Productions

(An unusual note - a relative of mine - Ellen B. - actually saw THE TOWEL LADY in Vermont!  Small world)

Dorset Players produced my one-act
 as part of their festival a few years ago.
For more info contact

TOWEL LADY star photo coming soon

One-Act Play Festival in Dorset


The Dorset Players will be presenting a wealth of entertainment in a variety of offerings at their Ninth Annual One-Act Play Festival. There are six plays, by six playwrights, with six directors on the program. Beginning with an internationally popular monologue by Janet S Tiger and including one acts by Tennessee Williams, Shel Silverstein, Tony Award winner Mark O'Donnell, a submission by California playwright Stanley Toledo, and an adaptation by Pat Carmichael being staged by Bill Aupperlee, there really is something for everyone.

  For more info about Janet S. Tiger and her plays, please click here -

For more information about Dorset Players, please
check out their website - .http://www.dorsetplayers.org/

For more monologues by Janet S. Tiger, check out THE MONOLOGUE ZONE - www.MonologueZone.com -over 35 monologues - including THE TOWEL LADY and 'Blood' monologue from TRANSFUSION

More info soon -



This page is under construction - if you see this performance and want to add comments, please email tigerteam1@gmail.com.  (If I can ever figure out Facebook, will try to do a page there)

This is the website for plays by Janet S. Tiger.
To contact Janet S. Tiger, please e-mail tigerteam1@gmail.com or call 858-274-9678
I respond to most e-mail within 5-7 days. If you do not receive a response, please paste the url into your own e-mail or call me. (Sometimes these web e-mail systems do not work!)