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  Monologues for Seniors by
Janet S. Tiger   (c) 2013   
To purchase the new book -
Monologues for Seniors
    by Janet S. Tiger

 only $14.95 -
 please click on Add to Cart below

for more info on the book, including a complete list of the dozens of monologues for seniors - male and female
click here

This is the best bargain- over 36 monologues, less than 50cents/monologue!

But if you want just one monologue, that's fine, please keep reading

This website contains plays and monologues by Janet S. Tiger, with many good choices for contests, drama classes, senior groups and community theaters
This page is devoted to monologues for seniors -

(The Towel Lady is here!)

*****Free monologues - one male, one female*****
Call 858-274-9678 or email tigerteam1@gmail.com

Official PayPal Seal

Plays by Janet S. Tiger

This web site is under construction,
but if you need to contact Janet S. Tiger immediately,
please e-mail tigerteam1@gmail.com
or call 858-274-9678.
Students and Teachers Please  Note -

There is no royalty fee for students performing these monologues for classes or contests, but a licensing fee will be necessary if you wish to make copies for an entire class.  Please e-mail  for more info.

Pay Pal is available - If there is a problem with any of the cart buttons, please e-mail tigerteam1@gmail.com. or call 858-274-9678

U.S. PO Mail info-
Please call 858-274-9678 if you have a check or money order.  Plays can usually be shipped within 5-7 days of receipt of a check or money order

All plays will be shipped via 4th Class Book Rate for most scripts, unless faster method is requested.  (Overnight add $15.00, Priority 2-3 Day, add $2.00)

This web site  has a page with a (partial) list of all the places Janet S. Tiger’s plays have been performed.  If you wish to be included, or you would like to leave comments about these plays, please e-mail details and permission to post to tigerteam1@gmail.com

Thank you for supporting the arts!

This is a VERY  tiny partial list of productions of plays by Janet S. Tiger. 

THE AFFIDAVIT produced by Pandora Players, Alberta, Canada March 2003
THE AFFIDAVIT produced by Scripteasers, Lamplighters Playhouse, San Diego, 1998
BLIND WOMAN'S BLUFF, Playwrights Center, San Francisco, CA  1985
COUNTER-OFFER, No Smoking Playhouse, NYC, NY


click here for more

ALSO - THE MONOLOGUE ZONE has many monologues for seniors -
click here for more

Please e-mail for royalty rates – rates depend on ticket price, number of shows, theater size

All of the following are available via e-mail. 

**Special offer- Buy one monologue and have it sent via e-mail only (no snail mail) and I will send you a second monologue FREE.  (Save a tree, too!)


Running time –3 minutes            $5.00/script
    Set – minimal, some towels, a clothesline, washbasket
    1 character         1 older woman – 50s-60s

A woman hangs out her laundry while telling her unusual views on towels - and life.

This is possibly Janet S. Tiger's most produced work, having had numerous productions nationally and internationally.  This is also a popular piece for drama contests and auditions.
Buy now

Running time –8 minutes            $5.00/script
    Set – simple, future
    1 characters   1 man – older

A man from the future describes the delight he has in the simple pleasure of...getting a cold.
(****This monologue was completed in August 2005 - I will be happy to put the name of the person/group who performs this first up on my upcoming page about 'where in the world have I seen that.....")

’ monologue from TRANSFUSION
Running time –            $4..00/script monologue  - $!5.00 full-length play
    Set –  bare stage                          
    1 character   1 man – 40s -60s

A moving expression  of a man who is trying to deal with a transfusion from his son -  a transfusion that has given him AIDS.

This monologue has been very successful in both state and national competitions.

Running time – 15 minutes            $8.00/script
    Set –   minimal - chair, table, lamp
                Lighting and sound effects very important                            
    Character - The duchess - in her late 80s, very British

A duchess recounts how a curse changed her life.  Touching- a tour de force for an older actress.
    Winner - DFAS National 1-Act Playwriting Contest 2nd Place
    Produced - Five Flags Theatre, Dubuque, Iowa
    Televised - Public Access Cable Channel Iowa

(If you have trouble with this button, please try the one on the One-Acts Page- this is an html problem I am trying to solve.)

              More Monologues
     (One free! e-mail tigerteam1@gmail.com or if you buy one -buttons coming soon-, you get another one free, so that's like 3 monologues for the price of 1))-

Do not have Paypal for some of these yet, so please contact tigerteam1@gmail.com if you need these immediately-

Set in an airport

Set in an airport (female 40s-50s)


Monologue from DON'T YOU CRY FOR ME
                            (male- 20-30)

Monologue from THE END OF DEATH

More works by Janet S. Tiger will be coming soon - she has a drawer full of over 100 monologues/plays/screenplays/books that are 10-70% completed.


This section will eventually have its own page. 

Hi, this is Monica McCormick I was (your) "Towel Lady"  a couple of months ago (at Christian Academy... Michelle Hargreaves was my teacher) I just wanted to thank you for letting me perform your work on such short notice. It was so much fun! The audience really loved it. People still come up to me and talk about that monologue.  You are a wonderful writer ( I look forward to the next part), and I just wanted to let you know it's fine with me if you put my performance on your website...   

Monica was referring to a DVD filmed by Holly Hopkins, which will hopefully be posted by the end of June 2006.

Links to other websites

Janet S. Tiger is the author of A MOTHER'S GARDEN OF VERSES.  For more information, please visit the web site www.mothersgardenofverses.com

Janet S. Tiger is available for commission work, please e-mail tigerteam1@gmail.com

Thank you for visiting this web site - come back soon - there should be something new every few weeks.